Chasing God

Chasing God

Lord, teach me to seek you and reveal yourself when I seek you. For I cannot seek you unless you first teach me, nor find you unless you first reveal yourself to me. — Saint Ambrose “We are God chasers,” said the lady I’d just met. A friend had...
The Power of Awe

The Power of Awe

When was the last time you looked at something and everything else you were thinking faded away? You were solely focused on what you encountered. That is awe.  This happens to my youngest grandson, Judah. You should see the look of awe on his face when I let him open...
If You Die Tonight…

If You Die Tonight…

“We were talking about you at church yesterday,” said my friend, Angie, whom I hadn’t talked to since we moved to South Carolina. “Why were you talking about me at your church in SoCal?” Angie’s church has a new pastor. Last Saturday, they had a roundtable discussion...
What If…

What If…

We were at a mega-church on a communion Sunday. The worship was spectacular, the announcements rivaled something out of Hollywood, and the pastor preached eloquently for more than an hour. As he began to dismiss the members, he looked over, saw the communion table,...
Jesus Is Lord And The Rest Is…

Jesus Is Lord And The Rest Is…

I’m painfully aware that few people are inclined to read anything longer than a meme. As much as I like to write — it helps me know what I think — I now realize that if I want anyone to read it, I should keep my writing as short as possible. The following is my...