Would Jesus Laugh At A Dirty Joke?

Would Jesus Laugh At A Dirty Joke?

About a week ago I had the rare privilege of meeting some friends I hadn’t seen for 43 years. We all grew up in the same area of what at the time was the greatest city in the world—our birthplace, Abadan. Those of you who’ve read my book know that at our small...

This Is How WE Do Church!

Tonight I received the following email from one of my old college students from 10-12 years ago: Hi Shah and Karen! 🙂 I just wanted to stop and say thank you. Thank you for teaching me through opening your home to me, and thank you for living what you have been...

Do I Have To Like My Neighbor?

A few years after Karen and I were married, we started attending a small Charismatic church in our neighborhood. Our small and friendly church was literally adjacent to a very conservative church—we shared a common retaining wall. Years earlier, the church had...